A short introduction to Org-mode and Hugo

Table of contents

This is the first note on this website. This document was originally written in Org-mode , which is note-taking software that forms a part of the text editor GNU Emacs . HTML export of this post was done using the static site generator Hugo . Hugo is natively capable of exporting org-mode to HTML thanks to go-org . Most of this note describes the Org mode file that was used to generate the note. At the end of the note, we also visit some interesting features of Hugo that complement the features of Org mode, such as embedding YouTube videos.


Basic understanding of GNU Emacs is necessary. If you are new to this, then get GNU Emacs and follow its marvelous built-in tutorial, which is accessed by typing C-h t, that is, Ctrl-h followed by t. Once you have finished this task, please create a file named example.org and populate it with the following code, select it, and execute the selected region using M-x eval-region.

(setq org-image-actual-width nil)

(setq org-format-latex-options (plist-put org-format-latex-options :scale 3.0))

 '((python . t)))

(setq org-babel-python-command "python3")


A line starting with a # followed by a space is an Org comment. For example,

# I will not be exported since I am a comment.
# I am another comment.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Comment-Lines.html


The above text "Headlines" is a web browser rendering of an HTML export of a top-level headline in Org-mode. Top-level headlines in Org-mode are created by putting a * symbol in front of the headline text.

* This is a top level headline

Lower level headlines are added by adding more * symbols

** Second level
*** Third level 1
    Some exciting content
*** Third level 2
    More interesting content

The following is an example rendering of the above

Second level

Third level 1

Some exciting content

Third level 2

More interesting content

In emacs, the headlines form trees. Press TAB to expand or collapse the current subtree, and press S-TAB to expand or collapse the entire tree.

Headlines are exported to <h1>, <h2>, etc in HTML.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Headlines.html

TODO items

TODO items are just headlines that start with the word TODO. When the task is complete it can be marked as DONE by changing the state. Use C-c C-t to change the TODO state.

** TODO install FreeBSD on server2
** DONE install Debian on server1

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/TODO-Basics.html


italic, underlined, bold, verbatim, code, strike-through

is an example rendering of

/italic/, _underlined_, *bold*, =verbatim=, ~code~, +strike-through+

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Emphasis-and-Monospace.html

Plain lists

  • Unordered list items start with -, +, or * as bullets.

  • Ordered list items start with a number followed by either a . or a ).

For example,

1. Editors
   - Emacs
   - Vim
2. Operating systems
   - Linux
   - Windows
3. Languages
   - C
   - Python

which renders here as

  1. Editors

    • Emacs

    • Vim

  2. Operating systems

    • Linux

    • Windows

  3. Languages

    • C

    • Python

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Plain-Lists.html

Horizontal rule

type ----- (5 dashes) to create a horizontal rule, which renders here as

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Horizontal-Rules.html


Add [ ] to the start of a plain list item to add checkbox functionality. Note the space between the [, ].

** TODO Study progress [66%]
  - [X] Algebra
  - [ ] Combinatorics
  - [X] Geometry
** DONE Gotta Catch 'Em All! [3/3]
  - [X] Charmander
  - [X] Bulbasaur
  - [X] Squirtle

Use C-c C-c to toggle checkboxes. Insert [/] or [%] as above to indicate progress.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Checkboxes.html

Superscripts and Subscripts

Superscripts and subscripts are denoted using ^ and _ respectively. Use C-c C-x \ to render the superscripts and subscripts in Emacs. The following are examples of web rendering of Org-mode superscripts and subscripts.

  • e^{x} is rendered as ex

  • x_{n} is rendered as xn


To create the following table

| Name    | Type      | Color  |
| Apple   | Fruit     | Red    |
| Cabbage | Vegetable | Green  |
| Banana  | Fruit     | Yellow |



followed by TAB, or type


followed by C-c RET; press RET again to add lines; use C-c C-c to re-align.

The following is a web rendering of the table after some application of CSS.

Name Type Color
Apple Fruit Red
Cabbage Vegetable Green
Banana Fruit Yellow

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Tables.html

Paragraphs and blockquotes

Place your text in #+BEGIN_VERSE, #+END_VERSE, or #+BEGIN_QUOTE, #+END_QUOTE or #+BEGIN_CENTER, #+END_CENTER blocks. For example

I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent
a punishment like me upon you. ---Chinggis Khaan

Let's see how that renders here after some application of CSS!

I am the punishment of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you. —Chinggis Khaan

For an example demonstrating the centering of an image using #+BEGIN_CENTER, #+END_CENTER, goto Images.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Paragraphs.html


Images, tables, $\LaTeX$ equations, code blocks, etc. can be captioned by inserting a line that says #+CAPTION: your-caption-text immediately before them. After applying some CSS to the tables, the following code

#+CAPTION: *2022 census data*
| Name          | Age |
| Ash Ketchum   |  10 |
| Ash's Pikachu |  30 |

gives us

Name Age
Ash Ketchum 10
Ash's Pikachu 30
2022 census data

Optionally, one can use #+CAPTION[Short caption]: Longer caption.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Captions.html


Links in Org-mode are created using the syntax [[LINK][DESCRIPTION]] or just [[LINK]].

Web links

- [[https://www.lmfdb.org/]]
- [[https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/][POSIX]]

web render as

Local file links

Local file links are created using either absolute paths or relative paths. The following links using absolute paths are equivalent


The following links using relative paths are equivalent


Internal links

A link that does not look like a URL is a link in the current org file. For example, the "Images" headline in this document was created using the following syntax

* Images
  :CUSTOM_ID: imgs

which now enables us to create a link to it using the following syntax

[[#imgs][goto Images]]

Click the following web rendering of this to jump to the "Images" headline

goto Images

Internal links can also be created using [[my search text]] or [[my search text][link name]] which link to <<my search text>>.

For other types of links, please see https://orgmode.org/guide/Hyperlinks.html


Define a footnote by using [fn:your-footnote-name]; for example,

The internet archive[fn:1] contains a large database of old books.
[fn:1] https://archive.org/

renders as

The internet archive1 contains a large database of old books.

C-c C-c jumps between footnote definition and reference in Org-mode.

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Creating-Footnotes.html


All the displayed Org code in this document is created by placing the Org code between #+BEGIN_SRC org, #+END_SRC. In general, #+BEGIN_SRC language-name, #+END_SRC is used. Use C-c C-c to evaluate the current code block. For example,

# Use return statement.
# Entire source block will get indented and used as the body of main().
#+BEGIN_SRC python
def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:


: 120

is rendered here as

def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:


More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Working-with-Source-Code.html

Also see https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/index.html for language support.


Add a link to an image as follows.

#+ATTR_ORG: :width 500

This renders in your web browser as


Type C-c C-x C-v in Org-mode to toggle inline display.

We can also customize HTML export options as follows.

#+CAPTION: *Commutative diagram*
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 250px

This exports as

Commutative diagram

We can also have clickable HTML link images as follows.

#+CAPTION: *Commutative diagram (clickable link image)*

This renders as

Commutative diagram (clickable link image)

We can rotate an image by adding some CSS as follows.

#+CAPTION: *Commutative diagram (rotated)*
#+ATTR_HTML: :style transform: rotate(180deg);

This renders as

Commutative diagram (rotated)

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Images.html


The following is the Org code for a $\LaTeX$ code block; it starts with #+BEGIN_SRC latex and ends with #+END_SRC.

#+BEGIN_SRC latex
$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$

It web renders as

$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$

The following is the Org code for a $\LaTeX$ fragment; it does not contain the #+BEGIN_SRC latex, #+END_SRC.

$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$

If you have a working $\LaTeX$ installation and dvipng , dvisvgm , or ImageMagick installed, $\LaTeX$ fragments can be processed to produce images of the typeset expressions to be used for inclusion while exporting to HTML or for inline previewing within Org-mode; toggle inline preview of $\LaTeX$ fragments in Org-mode using C-c C-x C-l.

$\LaTeX$ fragments can alternatively be web rendered using MathJax or KaTeX . For example, the above $\LaTeX$ fragment is rendered by MathJax as follows.

$e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0$

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/Embedded-LaTeX.html and https://orgmode.org/manual/LaTeX-Export.html


In Emacs, you can use C-c C-e h h to export your Org file to an HTML file or C-c C-e h o to export to an HTML file and open in a web browser. Alternatively, you can follow this short article by Peter Prevos on how to generate a static website using Org-mode and Hugo. Note that alongside Org, Hugo also supports generating HTML from Markdown .

To embed raw HTML in Org-mode, type your HTML between #+BEGIN_EXPORT html and #+END_EXPORT. For example,

<svg height="100" width="100">
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="#2b4e77" />
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="30" fill="white" />
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="20" fill="#2b4e77" />
  <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="10" fill="white" />

renders as

More information: https://orgmode.org/manual/HTML-Export.html

Hugo shortcodes

We will visit some specific examples of Hugo shortcodes in this note. To embed a YouTube video having ID fZYWwSIvYL0, type

{{< youtube id="fZYWwSIvYL0" >}}

which will render as

A similar approach works for other video sharing sites such as Vimeo. Try

{{< vimeo 146022717 >}}

Hugo also makes it easy to embed GitHub gists, Instagram photos, and tweets using shortcodes! For example,

{{< gist spf13 7896402 "img.html" >}}

renders here as

Instead of inserting images using Org-mode, we can also use Hugo shortcodes; for instance,

{{< figure src="/images/fiber_product.svg" title="Fiber product" >}}

produces the following output

Fiber product

To make links open in a new browser tab, one needs to add target="_blank" to their <a> HTML element; this can be done in Org-mode by adding #+ATTR_HTML: :target _blank before a link, but the Hugo exporter seems to have a bug that adds the target="_blank" to a <p> element containing the <a> HTML element. One can however create shortcodes to add this functionality. For example, creating the file /themes/your-theme-name/layouts/shortcodes/ant.html with the following content

<a href="{{ index .Params 0 | safeURL }}" target="_blank" >{{ index .Params 1 | safeHTML }}</a>

allows one to write

{{< ant "https://www.wikipedia.org/" "WIKIPEDIA" >}}

to get


More information: https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/ and https://gohugo.io/templates/shortcode-templates/

Emoji and Font Awesome

After setting enableEmoji to true in your Hugo site's configuration file, you can type heart in between two : symbols (no spaces) to render a ❤️ emoji. This contains many more such examples.

To add Font Awesome functionality to your Hugo website, add the following to the <head> block.

<link rel="preload" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.2.1/css/all.css" as="style" onload="this.onload=null;this.rel='stylesheet'">
<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v6.2.1/css/all.css"></noscript>

Next, create the file /themes/your-theme-name/layouts/shortcodes/awe.html with the following content.

<i class="{{ range .Params }}{{ . }} {{ end }}"></i>

Now, type the following in your Org file.

*I love to play the* {{< awe fa fa-guitar >}}

This is rendered here as

I love to play the

I hope you have a wonderful experience with GNU Emacs, Org-mode, and Hugo! 👍

More information: https://gohugo.io/functions/emojify/